Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008


As already stated that the majority community is Muslim, the culture and tradition are Islamic. The first Mosque build here had a story behind it. In AD 1180 Dhahla Maraicayar of Kayalpattinam in the south came to Adirampattinam with his wife. He was a rich man and desired to build a place of worship in Adirampattinam, but had difficulty choosing the site. Finally, he decided to throw his bag of mohurs and choose the place where the gold coins fell and thats the place later he build a mosque.
The Muslims of this place set great store by observing strictly the Quranic injunction of offering prayer five times a day. There are 23 mosques in this small town now a days. Of these, the aforesaid mosque is the most ancient and bears the name "Maraica palli" also now called as AL MASJITHUL AKSA.
Although Friday "JUMMA" prayers are offered in Four mosques nowadays, for a very long time, it was the mosque in west street alone which had been chosen for Friday Jumma prayers. This mosque, after recent renovation is now counted among the most traditional and ancient mosques in south India build in the year 1638(Hijri 1058). This is more than 350 years old.
Religious instruction as much as worship was given great importance. One of the ancient families (here these families are known by the ancestors initials) known as M.M. family consisting of three brothers M.M Mohideen Abdul Kader, K.K. Shekathiar and M.M. Mohideen Ibrahim Sahib established the AL MADRASATHUR RAHMANIYA, a famous place of religious instruction in 1951, under a wakf settlement.
Many famous and learned religious persons have adorned the chair of the Head of this institution. Alhaj Ahmed Lebbai Aalim, reverentially called "SHAIGUNA" was the earliest among them. The munificence of the late Haji M.M. Mohamed Thambi helped a complete renovation of the building. This madrassa is world famous in as much as its ?fatwa? is recognized and carried out by Muslims anywhere in the world.
Another noted institution of religious instruction is the Al MADRASATHUS SALAHI FEE ADRAMIL FALAHI established in 1900 under a wakf deed of four brothers M.K.N. Khader Mohideen Maraicar, M.K.N Naina Mohamed Maraicar, M.K.N. Ahmed Thambi Maraicar and M.K.N. Sheik Salath Lebbai Maraicar. This is now known as M.K.N Trust. The first named brother is even today remembered as Adirampattinam?s most famous philanthropist. The brothers possessed great wealth.
In 1900,they set up the Trust with a corpus of 1300 acres of fertile land in and around Adirampattinam in the cause of education, religious instruction and worship. The income from the land was to be used to light the lamps in all the mosques and run the Madrassa. Those were days when electricity was unknown, the lamps required oil, which was a comparatively dear commodity, if all the lights in all the mosques were to be lit every day for 365 days of the year. In the present days all mosques have electric lights, the energy consumption charges being paid by the M.K.N. Trust.
Equal importance is placed on religious instruction of girls. Haji L.M.S Abdul Latif Aalim and Haji M.S Abbas took great pains and efforts to mobilize funds for the establishment of USVATHUR-RASUS NISWAN MADRASSA in which girls outside Adirampattinam also enroll and receive religious education. Thus, every year many Aalimas pass out from this institution.
In the center of the town is situated another dedicated institution of religious instruction named AJ-JAVIATHUSH SHADULIA, also known as ZAVIA founded by middle street Philanthropists the late Janab Mohamed Bakkar Sahib, Janab Shaik Mohideen, Janab Ahmed Mohideen in 1886 AD by a wakf settlement of land and buildings. In this institution, DIGAR in the SHADULIA THARIKA fashion is recited every day for 365 days both in the morning and in the evening hours. Local population attend these recitals wearing new clothes and unbounded enthusiasm.
In the month of DHUL KAHTHA every year for 40 days from the 29th day of the month a sacred Majlis known as BUKHARI SHARIF is conducted. This was started in 1917 and continues to this day every year without any break. In this sacred Majlis (assembly), having of venerable Rasoon (sal) is recited in Arabic for half hour. Following the Arabic recital, ulemas address the gathering in Tamil for about 2 hrs after FAJR prayer. Rich philanthropists of this town undertake the expenditure incurred for distribution of THABAROOK. Alhaj Habib Mohamed Aalim and after him, Alhaj Shaikuna both middle street, were appointed Caliphs.
At Adirampattinam, once upon a time, besides Aalims, Hafis were numerous. They had received their instruction at a mosque from Peria Lebbai Thambi. After him nobody took interest and children were sent to other instruction centers within and out of the state. Hifz Madrassa named MADRASSATUN NOOR is now functioning close to Maraicayar mosque. In the olden days, day long recitation of Quran used to resound in the air but now a days, children recite Quran for just half hour every day and rush to their schools.
There are two Dargahs at Adirampattinam, one of Hazarat Haja Allauddin Oliyulla and other of Hazarat Shaik Nasruddin Oliyulla. From AD 1453, the descendents of Lebbai Thambi Maraicayars are enjoying the hereditary rights of management.
A prominent feature of Adirampattinam's Islamic heritage is the institution of "Thabligh Jamaet" Many devoted Muslims in the jamaaet discharge their functions conscientiously and strictly adhering to the prescribed procedures.
Besides Islamic mosques there are also Temples like Selliyamman koil, Sivan koil, Mariyamman koil and Perumal koil for Hindus to do their prayers and rituals. Every year there are festivals conducted in the above temples. There are also few Christians living in Adirampattinam with two churches to do their daily and weekly prayers.


காலையில் 8 மணிக்கும், இரவு 9 மணிக்கும் அதிரையிலிருந்து புறப்படும், கும்பகோனம் வழியாக செல்லும். சென்னையில் காலை 8.40க்கும் இரவு 8.10 க்கும் கோயம்பேட்டிலிருந்து புறப்படும்.விழாவில் உடன்பிறப்புகள் கலந்து கொண்டனர். பார்ட்சா மரைக்காயர், ஜலீலா ஜுவல்லரி உரிமையாளர் முகைதீன், முஸ்லீம்லீக் பாரூக் கலந்து கொண்டார்கள். ஏனாதி பாலு வரலீங்க அவர் சார்பாக அவர் மகன் தமிழ் வந்தார்.தமிழகத்தில் 1000 புதிய பேருந்துகளை கடந்து பதினைந்து நாட்களுக்குமுன் டாக்டர் கலைஞர் நாட்டுக்கு அர்பணித்தார். அதில் கும்பகோணம் கோட்டாவிற்கு 120 பேருந்துகள் ஒதுக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது.

அனைவரையும் அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது அதிரை மற்றும் துபாய் தளம்

அஸ்ஸலாமு அலைக்கும் ( வரஹ்)
இத்தளம் துபாயில் இருக்கும் அதிரை வாசிகளுக்காக உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அனைவரும் இத்தளத்திற்கு செய்திகள்,நடப்புகள்,எந்த ஒரு தகவலும் அனுப்பும்படி கேட்டுகொள்கிறோம். குறைபாடுகள் இருந்தால் எங்களுக்கு தெரிவிக்கும்படி கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம்.